
In our 5th week of our series - we learned that God wants an "Intimate" relationship. What does Intimate mean? The dictionary defines it as "Associated in close personal relations - as an Intimate friend."

Do you have an intimate relationship with God? Do you have a personal relationship with him?

God also has given us the church as a way to have intimate friendships with one another - to have a safe place to come to where its full of sinners who have open arms & say, "I will not judge you - I'm in the same boat as you"

Does our church do that? Are you doing that to people who come to our church? Do you have your arms open to other sinners?

God has his arms open to us!


Halloween Night

For those of you looking for something to do on Halloween night - come to Sacred Grounds for a Fellowship night!

Date: This Friday - HALLOWEEN NIGHT

Time: 6 pm until 11 pm

For: All the Jr. & Sr. High (Bring your friends too)

What: Food, Games & Movie

If you do plan to attend - please bring along a 2 liter of soda

This is a great opportunity for everyone to hang out together & have some fun!!!

Note - Angelique wants only the "treats" for the night - but please, feel free to pass on the "tricks" to Jeremy!


Sharing your Faith

Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go & make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit & teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Sharing your faith is so important in this world! There are so many lost people who dont know Jesus or understand what it is to accept His loving grace.

Remember the easy A-B-C steps we talked about:
A - Admit you are a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus died for your sins & rose again (Romans 5:8)
C - Commit your life to following Him (Romans 12:1-2)

Be bold! Reflect Christ! Let others see something different in you that they crave!

Hope you enjoyed the video we shared as well!!!! See ya in small group Wednesday!


Girl's Small Group

Our small group has begun & I was thrilled to see 6 girls turn out for the first night. I have already heard from 3 more girls that will be attending the next gathering. We are studying the book from Dr. Jill Hubbard, "Secrets that Young Girls Keep". And dont let that frighten you - no one is going to force any secret out of you. Its just looking at what secrets people hold in - especially young ladies, & how to look at it with Godly persecptive and to not be bound to the secrets in our lives & let that control you, instead of the grace of God.

We will meet in October on October 13th & October 27th (the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month) at Crossroads at 7:00. Hope to see you there!


Broad or Narrow?

We talked about how Jesus said that "MANY" are on the Broad Road that leads to destruction & only a "FEW" find the narrow road that leads to life.

Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate & broad is the road that leads to destruction, & many enter through it. But small is the gate & narrow the road that leads to life & only a few find it."

Remember the example of the narrow road & how when we are on it, how our focus is more on Christ. Keep in mind though, that Broad Road is still going to call your name & tempt you to jump off that narrow path! Keep your focus on your relationship with Christ & let others on that path encourage you as well!

You know that path is there now! Which one are you on?


Ruining Our Lives With Fun?

Are we ruining our lives with too much fun?

Check out this post from The Rebelution.


Start of a new year!

Today was the beginning of some new classses for some of you - & for others, the addition or removal of different faces. The 6th grade class has moved up & are now new members of our youth group - be sure to stop & make them feel welcome. As you may remember, it can be a scary thing moving into a different environment.

The 9th graders have now made their move up to Senior High & we're excited to see new growth come from these changes! Be encouraged about all the changes & look forward to what is in store for you!

And no matter what grade you're in, remember all of the leaders are there for each one of you - no matter what class you are in! You are loved & cared for! Let's all continue to grow with each other & more importantly, with our Lord & Savior!

Let's have a great year!!!!